General Information It is a small-sized animal. It is the most common breed of pig used in...
General Information The breed is made from wild horses of Kathiawar. It is found mainly in districts...
General Information This breed is found in Bihar, Orissa and West Bengal. It is mainly black coat...
General Information It is an egg-producing breed. The breed further has three standard varieties. It is a...
General Information It is the most popular breed known in India. It is a fast-maturing breed that...
General Information It is the most popular breed originating in the Rohtak district of Haryana state. It...
General Information Sunflower, the name “Helianthus” is derived from ‘Helios’ meaning ‘sun’ and ‘Anthus’ meaning ‘flower’. It...
General Information It derives its name “Aloe vera” from the Arabic word Alloeh which means shining bitter...
The project report is a necessary document for a business to take a Loan from the Bank...
Welcome to all farmers, now we are back with three major types of farming and their procedures....