DGR (पुनर्वास महानिदेशालय. Directorate General Resettlement) facilitates resettlement of Ex-Servicemen (ESM) by organizing Pre and Post retirement training and facilitating re-employment & self-employment. Here ex-serviceman can find details of salient features, eligibility and procedure to apply for the various scheme. Details of Schemes such as Ex-Servicemen (ESM) Coal Loading and Transportation Scheme, Coal tipper attachment Scheme, Allotment of oil Product Agency, Allotment Mother Dairy Milk Booths and Fruit & Vegetable (safal) shops, Allotment of LPG agency under Rajiv Gandhi Gramin LPG Vitran Yojna, Allotment of Army Surplus Vehicles, etc. are available.
Allotment of Mother Dairy Milk Booth and Safal Shops
Mother Dairy India Pvt Ltd. is providing ready built and fully equipped milk shops / booths to the Ex-Servicemen (JCO’s & ORs), while its Fruit and Vegetable (Safal) Shops are opened for the ESM and their dependent sons from 1989. The Scheme is available in NCR viz Gurgaon, Ghaziabad, Noida/Greater Noida, and Faridabad. A security deposit (refundable on termination) of Rs. 1,00,000/- is required be made to Mother Dairy Fruit and Vegetable Private Limited. on selection while a working capital of Rs 50,000/- for operation will be required. The selected concessionaire undergoes a free training for two weeks with Mother Dairy prior to allotment of booths/shops. Remunerations up to 9% for the sales of fruits and vegetables (Safal shops) & 3% for Dals while in the case of Milk Booths the assured income is Rs 11000/- or commission of 30-35 paisa per one litre sale of milk(revised from time to time) and 5% for other dairy products ,whichever is more.
S No. | Qualification | Milk Booth | SAFAL (F & V) Booth |
1. | Rank | Naik upto JCO (Equivalent in Navy and IAF) | Naik upto JCO (Equivalent in Navy and IAF) |
2. | Age for Registration | Below 50 yrs | Below 58 yrs (Dependant son 18-35) |
3. | Education | Civ-10th Pass or Def-Army Cert I | Civ-10th Pass or Def-Army Cert I Dependant son (10th Pass) |
4. | Character | Exemplary/Very Good | Exemplary/Very Good |
5. | Medical Category | AYE/BEE | AYE/BEE/CEE |
6. | Service | Not less than 10 years except Battle Casualty | Not less than 10 years except Battle Casualty |
7. | Registration | Within 6 years after retirement | No bar |
8. | Financial Status | Capable to provide security deposit of Rs.1,00,000/- and Rs. 50,000/- for product inventory | Capable to provide security deposit of Rs.1,00,000/- and Rs. 50,000/- for product inventory |
Eligible ESM are required to submit application form in duplicate duly affixing photograph along with the under mentioned supporting documents. Applicants of Mother Dairy (Milk) who have not been selected even after three chances of interview, have the option to register afresh in Safal (F & V) scheme provided the stipulated eligibility criteria is met.
- Photocopy of Discharge Book.
- Photocopy of Pension Payment Order (PPO).
- Photocopy of ESM/Widow Identity Card.
- Photocopy of Dependant Certificate issued by ZSB/RSB/KSB (in case of dependant son).
The format of application to be submitted can be downloaded from “DGR forms download window of the DGR website www.dgrindia.com.
Attachment of Coal Tipper for Coal Loading
This welfare scheme for widows/disabled soldiers is linked with the ESM Coal Loading and Transportation Scheme. Eligible candidates can avail this Scheme for a period of 05 years and need to deposit an amount of Rs 85,000/- with the affiliated ESM Coal Loading and Transportation Company which pays back a monthly amount of Rs 3,000/ i.e. an annual return of approximately 42 % on the principal amount.. On maturity of the Scheme the Principal Amount is refunded. A legal agreement is signed between the Ex-Servicemen Coal Loading and Transportation Company and the widow/disabled Ex-Servicemen/Dependent.
The eligibility conditions for Widows / Dependents / ESMs who can take part in Tipper Attachment Scheme are as follows:-
1. Widows (below 65 years of age) and disabled / medically boarded out service personnel in whose case the disability is more than 50% and is attributable to military service.1.
2. Orphan children of Ex-servicemen represented by legal guardians and meeting the condition of being un-employed and under 25 yrs for boys; un-employed and unmarried in case of girls.
1. Should not be presently employed / self-employed.
2. Should not have remarried after death of husband in case of widows.
3. Should not have availed of any other DGR scheme.
4. Benefit of the Scheme should not have been availed by any other family member. Benefit will be extended to only one member of a family for a period of five years only.
Desirous widows of defence service personnel, dependents of deceased serving personnel and disabled Ex-servicemen should apply to the Director (Self-Employment) on the prescribed form. The document to be submitted are as follows:-
i. Copy of Death Certificate / Disability Certificate)
ii. Affidavit (on Rs. 10/- Non-judicial stamp paper) for giving an undertaking regarding various issues of eligibility duly attested by notary as per format.
iii. Copy of ESM / Widow/Dependent Identity Card.
iv. Copy of Pension Payment Order.
v.Proof of death / disability attributable to military service.
vi. Proof of dependency in case of dependents.
The format of application to be submitted can be downloaded from “DGR forms download window of the DGR website www.dgrindia.com
Management of CNG station by ESM (Officers) in NCR
Company Owned Company Operated (COCO) CNG Stations of Indraprastha Gas Limited in NCR Area to include Delhi and NOIDA are managed by retired Defence Services Officer’s. The ESM(O)s who are empanelled for this scheme with DGR are sponsored to IGL who in turns select the ESM(O) based on the panel of ESM(O) provided by DGR. The selected officer is contracted for management of the CNG station by the IGL for a period of five years on a yearly renewable contract basis. Selected retired officer gets emoluments of Rs.45,000/- (approx) per month or 14% of the wages disbursed , which ever is higher with an annual increment of Rs. 2000/- per annum.
Ex-Servicemen officers once registered will be maintained in the active list up to an age of 60 years or allotment of CNG station; which ever is earlier:-
- Class I Commissioned officers (Army, Navy, and Air Force).
- Below 59 years of age and retired/released within 5 years at the time of registration for the scheme.
- Resident of NCR.
- Be able to provide bank guarantee for 3 to 5 lacs (subject to revision).
- Should have availed no other benefit from DGR or be registered in any other scheme of DGR earlier.
- ESM (O) at the time of sponsorship should not be employed with any Govt/Semi Govt/Private concern. In case the ESM(O) has taken up any job he is required to render resignation and submit an undertaking of his employment status before he is sponsored for the scheme.
The application form for registration duly filled along with under mentioned self attested copy of documents are to be submitted at the time of registration.
- Copy of PPO.
- Copy of ESM Identity Card.
- Copy of PAN Card.
- Copy of Retirement/Release order
- Copy of proof of residence.
The format of application to be submitted can be downloaded from “DGR forms download window of the DGR website www.dgrindia.com.
Management of Company Owned Company Operated (COCO) Outlets
Under the Scheme ESM (O) registered with Employment Directorate of DGR are sponsored as service provider for operating Retail Outlets of IOCL and BPCL under Company Owned Company Operated (COCO) scheme. On receipt of the requisition from the Concerned Oil Company, names of eligible ESM(O) are sponsored. Short listing, selection and Interview is done by Oil Company. Period of contract range from one to three years. Fixed remunerations range from Rs 23,000/- to Rs 25,000/- per month. Additional incentive are kept for sale beyond 250 Kl of Oil products.
Desirous ESM (O)s shall meet the following criteria:-
- Commissioned officers (Army, Navy, Air Force).
- Should be registered within 5 years of release/retirement from service with the Employment Directorate.
- Should be resident of the particular State in which COCO facility is to be operated.
- Should be able to provide bank guarantee as per OPA requirement.
- Should not have availed any other benefit from DGR earlier.
- Should be below 65 years of age at the time of consideration for sponsorship.
The candidature of all ESM (O)s registered for employment with the Employment Directorate are considered based on the request of the Oil Company and the Area / Locality were the outlet is proposed. Once the willingness to be sponsored for this scheme is taken from the ESM(O) registered the panel of such officers is prepared and forwarded to concerned Oil Company for further selection and employment.
Allotment of Oil Product Agencies to Ex-Servicemen
Under this Scheme 8% quota of Oil Product Agencies is reserved for eligible ESM/Widow/Dependents under Defence Personnel (DP) Category for LPG Distributorship, Petrol/Diesel retail outlet including Kisan Seva Kendra (KSK) and SKO/LDO Dealership (Kerosene Oil Agency).
Eligibility Criteria
The following ESM/Widows/Dependents are eligible under the scheme.
- Priority I : Widows/dependents of posthumous gallantry award winners.
- Priority II : War widows/dependents of those who died in war.
- Priority III : War disabled
- Priority IV : Widows/dependents of those who died in harness due to attributable causes.
- Priority V : Disabled in peace due to attributable causes.
Issue of Eligibility Certificate:
Once Oil Company takes out an advertisement in the Newspapers for a particular location reserved for Defence Personnel, the eligible ESM/Widows/Dependent are required to approach DGR for issue of Eligibility Certificate with specified set of documents. On receipt of Eligibility Certificate, one is required to apply to concerned Oil Company within the stipulated date of submission of Application Form. Short-listing, Interview, Selection and issue of Letter of Intent for a particular Distributorship/Dealership is the prerogative of Oil Company.For further details, all applicants are advised to go through Official Website of the concerned Oil Company viz www.bharatpetroleum.com, www.hindustanpetroleum.com, www.iocl.com and ensure all relevant clauses are implemented.
While applying for Eligibility Certificate from DGR an applicant is required to submit following documents (as applicable) duly attested by Zila Sainik Board / Notary.
- Death Certificate of deceased defence person issued by Service Hospital /HQs.
- Proof of death attributable to Military Service.
- Proof of Gallantry Award, if any.
- Proof of disability being attributable to military service.
- Pension Order (CDA (P) letter).
- Discharge book/Retirement order.
- Matriculation Certificate of the applicant (for LPG only)
- Newspaper clipping of the Advertisement specifying location and last date of submission of Application Form.
- Copy of Widows / ESM / Dependent Identity card.
- Affidavit of undertaking by the applicant on Rs 10/- stamp paper duly notarized.
- Relinquishment Deed in case of dependant (NOK), from widow and other dependents.
- Passport Size Photograph of applicant (One photograph for each location).
- Authority letter in case eligibility certificate is to be collected by courier. It should be duly signed by applicant with photograph of courier and countersigned / attested by Zila Sainik Board / Notary / RSB.
The format of application including Affidavit to be submitted can be downloaded from Self Employment Directorate window of the DGR website www.dgrindia.com.
Allotment of Retail Outlet-Petrol & Diesel
This is a Self Employment Schemes of Directorate General Resettlement (DGR). The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has reserved locations for allotment of Regular/Rural Retail Outlet Dealership under ‘CC1’ category. ‘CC1’ category includes Para Military Personnel/Central Govt /State Govt and Central / State PSU employees and Defence Personnel.
Eligibility Criteria:
Following ESM/Widows/Dependents are eligible under the scheme:-
- Widows/dependents of those members of Armed Forces who died in war or in harness due to attributable or aggravated causes to Military Service.
- Ex-servicemen who are war disabled/disabled in peace due to attributable or aggravated causes to Military Service.
- Able bodied Ex-servicemen
22. Based on the Guidelines, DGR is required to issue Eligibility Certificate to the entitled ESM/Widow/Dependent for category covered in Paragraph 2 (a) & (b) only. For category covered under paragraph 2 (c), Able bodied Ex-servicemen are to apply directly to the Oil Company and should attach copy of Discharge Order or Pension Order.
Issue of Eligibility Certificate:
As per the marketing plan of the concerned oil corporation, locations for Retail Outlet is advertised by oil companies in two newspapers (one English Daily and one Regional Vernacular Daily) having maximum circulation in the Districts in which the dealership / distributorship is to be located. On publication of such advertisement, the applicant is required to apply to the concerned Oil Company within a specified time. Concurrently, the applicant is required to approach DGR for obtaining the Eligibility Certificate which the applicant is required to produce at the time of interview. Short-listing, Interview, Selection and issue of Letter of Intent for a particular Distributorship/Dealership is the prerogative of Oil Company and DGR has no role to play in it. For further details, all applicants are advised to go through Official Website of the concerned Oil Company viz www.bharatpetroleum.com, www.hindustanpetroleum.com, www.iocl.com etc. and ensure all relevant clauses are implemented.
While applying for Eligibility Certificate from DGR, an applicant is required to submit following documents (as applicable) duly attested by Zila Sainik Board / Notary.
(a) In case of ESM: Copies of the following documents duly attested by Notary/ ZSB / RSB will be attached:
- Initial PPO and corrigendum if applicable in respect of ESM.
- Discharge book / Retirement orders in respect of ESM.
- Copy of ESM Identity Card.
- Affidavit as per format duly notarised.
- Passport size photograph of applicant.
- Newspaper cutting showing date of advertisement and location reserved under ‘GP’ Category as applicable.
- Disability Certificate attributable/aggravated to Military Service.
- Requisite Education Certificate as specified for the Scheme.
- Proof of Gallantry Award, if any location reserved under ‘GP’ Category as applicable.
- Disability Certificate attributable/aggravated to Military Service.
- Requisite Education Certificate as specified for the Scheme.
- Proof of Gallantry Award, if any.
(b) In Case of Widow and Dependents: Copies of the following documents duly attested by Notary/ ZSB / RSB will be attached :-
- Death certificate along with proof of death of defence personnel being attributable to or aggravated by Military Service.
- Initial PPO and corrigendum if applicable in respect of Widow.
- Proof of Gallantry Award, if any.
- Copy of Widow / Dependent Identity Card.
- Proof of date of birth in respect of widow / dependent as case may be.
- Requisite Education Certificate as specified for the Scheme.
- Affidavit as per format duly notarised.
- Relinquishment deed as per format duly notarised.
- Passport size photograph of applicant.
- Newspaper cutting showing date of advertisement and location reserved under ‘GP’ category as applicable.
Procedure for Allotment:
- A Committee nominated by the concerned Oil Company will do scrutiny of the application based on the information given in the application.
- Selection is done by draw of lot of all eligible applicants by the concerned oil company.
Allotment of regular LPG distributorship to ESM/Widows
The scheme is meant for grant of Regular LPG Distributorship to eligible applicants. Under the scheme Govt has reserved LPG Distributorship for Defence Personnel in ‘GP’ category. The ‘GP’ category includes Central Govt/State Govt/PSU employee and Defence Personnel.
Eligibility Criteria
Following ESM/Widows/Dependents are eligible under the scheme:-
War widows/dependents of those who died in war.
War disabled/disabled on duty.
Widows/dependents of those who died in harness due to attributable causes.
Disabled in peace due to attributable causes.
Issue of Eligibility Certificate
Once Oil Company takes out an advertisement in the Newspapers, for a particular location reserved for Combined Category, the eligible ESM/Widows/Dependent are required to approach DGR for issue of Eligibility Certificate with specified set of documents. On receipt of Eligibility Certificate, one is required to apply to concerned Oil Company. Short-listing, Interview, Selection and issue of Letter of Intent for a particular Distributorship/Dealership is the prerogative of Oil Company. Selection of a Distributor/Dealer is done through draw of lots of all eligible applicants. For further details, all applicants are advised to go through Official Website of the concerned Oil Company viz www.bharatpetroleum.com, www.hindustanpetroleum.com, www.iocl.com and ensure all relevant clauses are implemented
While applying for Eligibility Certificate from DGR an applicant is required to submit following documents (as applicable) duly attested by Zila Sainik Board/ Rajaya Sainik Board / Notary.
In case of ESM
1. Copies of the following documents duly attested by Notary/ ZSB / RSB will be attached: (i) Initial PPO and corrigendum if applicable in respect of ESM.
2. Discharge book / Retirement orders in respect of ESM.
3. Copy of ESM Identity Card.
4. Affidavit as per format duly notarised.
5. Passport size photograph of applicant.
6. Newspaper cutting of advertisement specifying location and last date of submission of Application Form.
7. Disability Certificate attributable to Military Service.
8. Requisite education certificate (Graduation & equivalent)
In case of widow and dependents
Copies of the following documents duly attested by Notary/ ZSB / RSB will be attached:
1. Death certificate along with proof of death of defence personnel being attributable to Military Service.
2. Initial PPO and corrigendum if applicable in respect of Widow.
3. Copy of Widow / Dependent Identity Card.
4. Proof of date of birth in respect of widow / dependent as case may be.
5. Requisite education certificate in respect of applicant.
6. Affidavit as per format duly notarised.
7. Relinquishment deed as per format duly notarised.
8. Passport size photograph of applicant.
9. Newspaper cutting advertisement specifying location and last date of submission of Application Form.
10. The format of application including affidavit to be submitted can be downloaded from “Self Employment Directorate window of the DGR website www.dgrindia.com.
- Indian Army Veterans Portal
- Annual Report
- Directorate of Air Veterans (DAV)
- Monthly Summary Report
- PCDA (Pension)
- Sainik Samachar
- Sainik Rest Houses
- Battle Casualties
Related Link:
- Ministry of Defence
- Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA)
- Indian Army
- Indian Air Force
- Indian Navy
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